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Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies

Find out more about Kirsty.
Oncology treatments.
Scarwork Treatments.
Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies.
Power of 6 recovery treatments.
Lymphatic drainage treatments.
Wellness treatments.

Maximise your health and wellbeing.
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Find out more about Kirsty.

Oncology treatments.

Scarwork Treatments.

Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies.
Ring me.
Maximise your health and wellbeing.

Power of 6 recovery treatments.

Lymphatic drainage treatments.

Wellness treatments.

Welcome to

Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies

These are specialist massage therapies, tailored and targeted to deal with your individual needs.

My passion is working with cancer patients, using specific therapies for lymphoedema, traumatic and surgical scarring, physiological rehabilitation.

I offer appointments in a cosy and discrete room at "The Foggie Neuk" Aberchirder.

The Foggie Neuk - Aberchirder

If you can't travel or you find it difficult to get out. Contact me to discuss a possible home visit.

Covid Statement

Due to the health and vulnerability of some of the clients I work with, I continue to use PPE where appropriate. It is, of course, your choice if you wish to wear a mask or face covering as well.

If you have any concerns please Contact Me.




Oncology (Cancer) Massage

Have oncology massage in your own home with Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. If you have, or have had cancer, I am here to help you feel better.

First of all, I want to put your mind at rest. It is now clinically proven and accepted that oncology massage does not spread or move cancer around the body.

How can I help you feel better?

By using approved, specific and non-invasive massage therapies I can improve your overall feeling of wellbeing by reducing the negative symptoms of your treatments and medications.

This is achieved by ...reducing fluid build up in the body, increasing your freedom of movement, improving recovery times and healing post-operative scar tissue. One of the greatest benefits of the session is the reduction in stress, anxiety and tension around the body. This allows the body to focus on healing itself by acheiving deeper sleep, better digestion and therefore improved overall recovery and potentially less time in hospital.

Let’s not forget, this is your massage. You are in control of your massage. Each session will be tailored to suit your needs on the day, especially if you are having a bad day. The specialist oncology massage training I have been taught, enables me to make the adaptations required to help you feel better whatever stage of your cancer journey. For example, sometimes you may only want a hand or foot massage, other times you may prefer a neck and shoulders massage. The choice is yours.

I use products from the MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade® ranges which are suitable for skin which may be suffering from damage after radiotherapy and surgery.

Remember, you don’t need permission to have a little ‘me time’.

Contact me to discuss your options.


ScarWork Massage

Improve the sight and feeling of scars with Scarwork Massage from Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. Massage and the treatment of scars following operations or accidents has been developed by Sharon Wheeler in the USA. I have embraced Sharon’s methods along with my cancer massage therapies. They can go hand in hand with each other and provide a holistic approach to your recovery. ScarWork Therapy is still relatively new in the UK and I am thrilled to have been be one of the earliest therapists registered in the UK who can deliver these specialist and valuable techniques.

I was so lucky to train with Emma Holly, who is one of a handful of registered tutors in the country who can deliver this course. During my training, I was able to see first-hand the amazing results that can be achieved, sometimes within a single session. ...I worked on a multitude of scars including burns, breast cancer surgery, Caesarean sections, road traffic and sporting injuries; all affecting different parts of the body. No scar seems to be immune to this therapy and the feedback from the clients was overwhelming. Many commented on seeing noticeable visual improvements and also feeling the difference in the tissues during and after the session.

Fortunately for me (but unfortunately for my husband) I was able to put my new-found skills to work at a very early stage. Having suffered not one but two prolapsed discs he had to undergo a double micro-discectomy. This meant I observed his scar and the changes to it as he healed. Once his consultant gave permission, I successfully began using many of those newly acquired techniques on him.

This therapy uses VERY gentle but effective techniques to achieve results in the management and impact of your scar as it continues to heal. Amongst others, the aim of any session will look to release tightness and adhesions. These are caused by layers of tissues sticking together post-surgery and are all part of the natural course of healing. By releasing these we can improve your skin and muscle mobility as well as your overall feeling and movement in and around the wound site. Over-sensitive and painful areas may also benefit from the calming effect of the therapy as we work together with your body to promote your healing, well-being and overall recovery in your tailored healing programme.

The techniques used involve direct contact with your scar and the surrounding skin and tissues. At the end of the session a moisturiser may be applied to assist in re-hydrating and soothing your scar. It is very important to keep your scar hydrated daily whilst it is healing. I recommend MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade® products as these have the correct balance to assist healing and promote healthy, strong and supple skin.

There are different categories and sizes of scars. Naturally, results will differ accordingly. The potential for improvement is not just limited to new scars. Old scars are responding just as well to the therapy techniques. The main benefits are often seen as a general flattening, softening and smoothing accompanied by less itching, irritation and general pain in and around the wound.

Your tailored scar healing programme can only begin once you have full permission in the form of a letter from your consultant and they have effectively signed you off from any further treatment for the area. This is usually at 6-8 weeks after your surgery but times will vary. On our initial consultation we will discuss the finer points of your programme and decide the best course of action to take. Your first massage will follow immediately.

Contact me to discuss your options.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage with Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies.
This sadly, is a common result of some cancer treatments and surgeries where nodes are removed. The reduction in the number of nodes in the body (nodes are the exit points for the lymph to drain through), puts the lymphatic system under pressure to drain the same amount of fluid through less nodes. This is why excess lymph (fluid) accumulates just under the skin, not in the muscles, and causes local swelling in the limbs and around the body.

A gentle touch is used in this specialised technique ... to encourage the drainage and reduce congestion. By moving the lymph to its nearest exit (nodes) and enhancing the natural flow within the lymphatic system, pain relief and range of movement can be improved. Regular treatments help to improve overall health and wellbeing.

This treatment requires skin to skin contact lying face up on the table. Before trying to move the lymph, the nodes must first be emptied. I use a gentle, light press and release technique for this. Next, applying a light pressure to the skin, I use circular motions with my hands and fingers to move and push the excess lymph under the skin along the limb to the nodes. This is not painful and can be quite relaxing. The treatment is applied to the whole body starting at the head and neck, progressing to the arms and then the legs and feet. Deep breathing techniques are used to enhance the treatment. Clients can often see quite an obvious reduction in the size of the swelling / limb after their treatment. Keeping well hydrated is an important part of managing lymphoedema.

Working with your care team, we can design a maintenance programme to keep you mobile, healthy and the negative impact of your lymphoedema under control.

Contact me to book your massage.


Maximise Your Recovery
From £372

Power of 6 Recovery Package
Maximise your recovery from cancer, surgery, illness or injury.
Power of 6 Recovery Package Are you looking to reduce your recovery time and enhance your healing? I may have the answer....

My six session package. Tailored for you and your recovery... and it saves you money (Payment plan options are available).
6 reasons to sign up By using the LymphaTouch in your treatments, we can make a big difference to your recovery in a shorter space of time.

Treatment areas include: pre/post operative swelling, scarring, acute injuries, lymphoedema, fascial restrictions, recovery treatments, sports injuries and joint mobility.

Making rehabilitation fast and patient friendly
LymphaTouch® is a medical grade device designed to improve recovery. (As used by the NHS)
The negative pressure (suction) and mechanical high frequency vibration enhances circulation, lymphatic flow, releases soft tissue adhesions and toughened areas of scar tissue.

This is a specialist piece of kit!

Lymphatouch Device A small portable, medical grade device that helps with many of the conditions I see and already support you with on a day-to-day basis.
Using negative pressures (basically gentle suction on the skin) the skin and tissues are lifted allowing greater blood flow and waste removal from the areas treated. Adhesions (stuck down fibres) are lifted and released improving movement and flexibility.
All of these actions aid the function and performance of the area treated as well as improving the overall health and appearance of the skin and tissues.

What should I do next?

Simply get in touch with me to subscribe.


Wellness Massage

Pep up your overall wellness with a massage from Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. Would you like to
  • Feel that ache in your tight shoulder muscles go away?
  • Reduce your headaches?
  • Experience a better night’s sleep?
  • Decrease your back pain?
Then my wellness massage is the one for you. During this treatment we can focus on your most troublesome areas.

By combining different techniques and skills, I can create a calming and therapeutic massage to help:...
  • Unwind and release those tight muscles which are you giving you headaches and causing muscle soreness.
  • Improve joint mobility by reducing stiffness in and around the joint.
  • Promote healing in any damaged or sore areas post exercise.
During your treatment, muscles are given time to relax and soften, before progressing deeper into the troublesome underlying tissues.

The potential benefits of this wellness treatment will help you to generally feel less stressed, feel more relaxed and moving more easily - along with the added bonus of a better night’s sleep. Your skin is nourished during your treatment by using appropriate massage products from the MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade® product ranges.

Contact me to discuss your options.


Urgent Treatments
From £80

Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies emergency treatments Urgent treatments.
For those situations where you just cannot wait.

If you are able to get to Aberchirder, depending on availability and access, we may be able to use the treatment room at The Foggie Neuk.
Otherwise I will endeavour to come to you. This will be subject to my own location, situation and availability.

These treatments will be priced based on the time of day and should it include a home visit, the time and distance I have to travel.

Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies emergency treatments Press to call me now


Kirsty's Klan
Exclusive Subscription Plan

Welcome to Kirsty's Klan. Your exclusive subscription plan.

Looking to restore your life balance and help your body heal itself?

Enjoy the beneficial effects of therapeutic massage by becoming a subscriber to Kirsty’s Klan.

Build on the instant impact of your single massage treatment with a series of monthly massages over six months or more at a discounted rate.
Plus lots of extra subscription benefits.*

What’s included in my monthly subscription to Kirsty’s Klan? ...
  • A 60 minute treatment, tailored to your needs
  • Priority booking at times to suit you
  • 10% discount on MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade® products and additional treatments.
  • Option to gift one of your 6 treatments to a friend or family member during each 6 months of subscription*
  • Bespoke packages available on request
How much is my subscription?
  • ALL the above benefits included in your £62 monthly subscription plan
  • Payments are made on the 1st of every month. (via 'Stripe'™ invoice.)
  • No joining fee
  • Gift subscriptions available
Why Subscribe?

Together, we’ll work towards a personalised plan for your improved recovery, enhanced pain relief and easing a path to good health - as well as a soothing sense of wellbeing.

You’ll also save £5 on the cost of a single treatment each month, leading to a yearly saving of £60.00.

What should I do next?

Simply get in touch with me to find out more.

*Please see our terms and conditions.
Six-month minimum monthly subscription.

Contact me to subscribe now.


Kirsty's Klub @AB54
FREE Massage Therapies

Kirsty's Klub  @AB54 Thanks to the kind support of The Foggie Neuk, Aberchirder, I am able to provide, completely free of charge, therapeutic massage therapies for individuals living with lymphoedema, cancer, or who are in cancer-related post-surgery recovery.

I understand the physical and emotional challenges that individuals face during these difficult times, tailoring each session to meet your needs.

I aim to provide you with a comforting and supportive environment, including free refreshments and mindfulness activities. All of which will help you find relief, relaxation, and improved wellbeing.

Benefits of Massage Therapies
Massage therapies have been shown to provide numerous benefits for those living with lymphoedema, cancer, or recovering from surgery. ...

Our treatments can help:
  • Alleviate pain and discomfort
  • Reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow
  • Enhance relaxation and reduce stress
  • Boost the immune system
  • Improve digestion and sleep patterns
  • Promote overall healing and recovery
We offer a range of specialised massage therapies tailored to your specific needs, including:
  1. Lymphatic Drainage Massage: Gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate lymphatic circulation, reduce swelling, and promote waste product removal.
  2. Oncology Massage: A safe and effective massage technique designed to address the unique needs of cancer patients, relieving symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea and anxiety.
  3. Post-Surgery Recovery Massage: A specific massage therapy that assists in addressing scar tissue problems, relieving muscle tension, and enhancing healing after surgical procedures.
To find out more and see if you’re eligible to book your free massage therapy session, simply Contact me to find out more.
  • Free massage therapy sessions are available on a limited basis and are subject to availability.
  • Sessions are provided strictly on an appointment basis.
  • This offer is exclusively for individuals living with lymphoedema, cancer, or in cancer-related post-surgery recovery.
  • A medical consent or confirmation of the condition may be required.
  • The number, duration and frequency of sessions will be determined based on individual needs.




Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies Skincare products. Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies Skincare products. Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies Skincare products.


Although massage treatments will sort out those sub-surface niggles, there is still the surface layer to look after, especially those damaged through injury or medical treatments.
So, after your bespoke massage, enhance your wellbeing with specialist skincare products at home . This is why, Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies recommends and uses skincare products from MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade®. They are all recognised for their specialist oncology ranges, as used by the NHS, silicone therapy, as well as award winning and clinically proven skincare products.

To purchase or browse some of these excellent wares, please click on the appropriate link below.



About Me

Who I am and what I do.

This is Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies.

Hello, I am Kirsty, the healing hands and face behind KWMT.

My expertise focusses mainly on Cancer and Lymphoedema related therapies.
I am a qualified oncology massage therapist, ScarWork™ therapist and Breast Cancer ScarWork™ Specialist Therapist. I am also qualified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
My love lies in using my specialist massage therapies to help people during cancer and beyond to maximise their health and wellbeing.
I strive to reduce their recovery times and improve their overall health, whilst, all the time, managing their anxiety and stress levels.

In 2015 I started building my client base and growing the business in West Sussex before re-locating back to Aberdeenshire in December 2021.

Prior to this I was involved in sports and remedial massage alongside my personal training business.

As a child I was fascinated by pictures in a Sunday magazine of Christiaan Barnard performing heart transplant surgery and, having kept the magazine for years, it was from here that my passion in anatomy started.

Sadly, due to our current lifestyles, our bodies simply can’t always operate as effectively and efficiently as we would like. Over the years, this became more and more apparent to me as I spent my working time within the education, fitness and personal training industries. Prompted by a desire to do more, I redoubled my studies to understand how the body moves and works. This has resulted in the specialist massage therapy knowledge I have today.

I am continually learning and never stop developing myself, my qualifications, and my skills. I was fortunate to do my oncology training at the renowned North London School of Sports Massage with Susan Findlay, an expert in the field of oncology massage.

In 2023 I have been working with Susan to co-deliver the Oncology Massage course across the UK and I am currently developing my own one day courses for therapists.

I am proud to have trained with Emma Holly of Restore Therapy who has a global name as a Scar Therapy Educator. She has a wealth of experience in this field and has a practice in London’s famous Harley Street.

These dedicated massage therapies are enriched by the use of specialist skincare ranges by MooGoo®, Espère Healthcare and Skinade®, These skincare products can help to ease so many of the symptoms, side effects and general discomfort, caused by cancer, surgery and its associated treatments and medications.

My mission is to help as many people as I can that are receiving cancer treatments, having operations or are recovering from cancer. The surgery, side effects of these treatments and the effects of the medications can be debilitating to say the least. So, by using my specialist post-operative and rehab massage therapies and medical devices I believe I can deliver beneficial and effective relief from these effects.

Before moving back to Scotland, I was a very proud and active volunteer at The Olive Tree cancer support centre in Crawley, West Sussex, where I used to attend on a weekly basis. There I saw first hand how this independent cancer support centre gave valuable support, friendship and help to all their members and families. I was incredibly lucky to be part of their team for over 3 years. The centre was awarded The Queens Award for Voluntary Services in 2021 and, as a volunteer who was able to continue supporting members with treatments throughout the pandemic, I was given a personal award as well.

I am a committee member of the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation and a member of the Complementary Health Professionals.

When I am not working, you might find me out and about in our beautiful countryside, walking my lovely dogs along the beaches or in the forests and of course sampling some of our delicious local food and drinks.

It is important that I stay fit and healthy, physically and mentally in order to support my clients, so you could see me running (a term I use loosely!) around my local area as part of my fitness routine.

I have worked with many people from all walks of life and so if you have any queries or questions, whether for you, or a friend, or relative, please contact me and I will do my best to answer and help where I can.

I have a passion for supporting people, so when I see a client leaving after their appointment with less pain or with improved movement, along with a greater sense of wellbeing, it is an amazing reward and one I strive for with every treatment. Every small improvement is a positive step forward to better health and wellbeing.



Where I Am

I am based in Aberchirder (Foggie or Foggieloan),
northern Banffshire, Scotland.

I am privileged to be able use a cosy and discrete room at "The Foggie Neuk"

The Foggie Neuk - Aberchirder



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Frequently Asked Questions

Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. Making Massage Easy For You Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. Making Massage Easy For You Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies. Making Massage Easy For You
Below you will find some often asked questions related to massage.

If your question isn't listed here, drop me a line and I'll do my best to find your answer.

How do I pay?

Payments are made 24 hours prior to your appointment by Stripe, a safe and secure online payment platform (Rather like PayPal). An invoice will be emailed to you with a link to follow to make your payment. Most major credit and debit cards are accepted through Stripe.

I thought massage was just massage. Why are there different therapies?

All massage therapies help to release tension from the muscles and relax the body and calm the mind. Each type of massage will have its own way of targeting the muscles and their problems. For example, aromatherapy utilises natural oils to enhance the senses during the massage, hot stones are applied to the body to increase the warmth of the target area prior to massage. Deep tissue is more appropriate for muscle tension as the therapist works into the deeper tissues of the body rather than superficially. I use a variety of massage techniques to ensure your massage is the best for you.

What do I have to wear?

Comfortable clothing that you can feel relaxed in. It is best to avoid tight fitting or restrictive clothing. Depending on the type of massage you have, it may not be necessary to undress at all.

Can I have someone present with me?

Yes of course by agreement.

I have skin allergies. What oils and lotions do you use?

All conditions and allergies must be disclosed and an appropriate massage medium will be used. If the massage is through clothing, lotion or oil may not be necessary.

I have a skin condition. Can you still treat me?

This will be dependent on the condition itself and possibly gaining your GP’s consent. Normally, massage will NOT be undertaken for any of the following. Vomiting / Diarrhoea, Fever, DVT, Varicose Veins, Infectious Skin Complaints. Please contact me to discuss. It is the client’s responsibility to disclose such information at the time of booking or prior to the massage.

I have visible injuries that are being treated. Can you still perform massage on me?

It is most likely that the injury site will not be treated but the surrounding areas may be. Please discuss this with me prior to your session.

I'm physically disabled. What can you do for me?

The sessions are designed to relieve stress, anxiety and reduce muscle tension. Sessions are tailored to your needs. If you find it difficult, or you cannot get to my treatment room, I may be able come to your home, subject to accessibility factors.

If you come to me, do I have to provide a massage table or any other equipment for you?

I will bring all the equipment required for your massage, however, we may utilise your own furniture, towels and pillows to ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout your massage. It is advisable for the room of your choice to be calming, warm and cosy as this benefits the muscles during the massage. A cold room will make the massage less beneficial and relaxing. You are welcome to play your own suitable background music if you wish.

How much room do you need for you and the table?

The table is 1.9m x 0.9m (6'03" x 3'00") so allowing for space around the table, an area of about 3.0m x 2.0m (10'00" x 6'06") will be required.

Are there any side effects?

Depending on the type of massage you have, it is not uncommon to experience a little reddening or tenderness after your session. You will be encouraged to drink plenty of water after your massage and as part of your daily routine for effective hydration. You may feel more tired as part of being relaxed after the massage, so plan your day suitably if you think this will affect you. Potential side effects will be discussed at the end of your massage along with your aftercare advice.

Will this interfere with any other treatments that I am receiving?

No, I will work with all the agencies involved in your care to ensure clear communication avoiding any negative effects.




What people are saying about Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies What people are saying about Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies What people are saying about Kirsty Wales Massage Therapies


I cannot recommend Kirsty highly enough! I had abdominal surgery at the beginning of Feb 2024, and my surgeon had recommended that I have lymphatic drainage massage from 2 weeks post-op, to reduce swelling and promote healing. I contacted Kirsty prior to my surgery -she was so helpful and supportive, and we arranged regular appointments from the two week period after my surgery. I am now 8 weeks post -op, and the difference that she has made to my body has been amazing! She is honestly one of the nicest, caring and professional person I’ve met, and I always enjoy attending my appointments! I am a registered healthcare professional, and would definitely recommend Kirsty for LDM as well as her excellent scar-work skills! Kirsty is truly a hidden gem that needs to be recognised for all the amazing work that she does for a wide variety of patients! She has endless enthusiasm and passion that is so obvious in the work that she does, and I would love it for her to get the recognition that she so rightly deserves!!!
Kirsty did a great deal to help my husband who was suffering from lymphoedema. She is very professional in her application of manual lymphatic drainage and gave us very helpful guidance throughout his treatment. I would have no hesitation in recommending Kirsty for this treatment.
I had been looking for someone in the North East of Scotland for Lymphatic Drainage Massages following an abdominoplasty in August 2023 when someone recommended I get in touch with Kirsty.  I was given her number and she got back in touch quite quickly and reassured me she would be able to help me out post op. The first day I saw her I was still hunched over as I was only 11 days post op, but she was able to make allowances which made me comfortable and enjoy my first lymphatic drainage massage with her.  I opted to go for the magic 6 sessions with her to see me through those first few months post op. Each week she would ask me if there were any specific areas that I was having issues with, although I was happy just to let Kirsty do her thing each session!  Kirsty was able to recognise herself any areas that needed extra help and used the appropriate equipment depending on what stage I was at post op. I was never uncomfortable and really looked forward to my massages.  She gave me a shot of her massage trousers towards the end of my sessions which was actually really relaxing while she massaged other areas like my face and neck.  There were also times between massages where I asked her for advice about scar treatment or massage at home I could do. Kirsty is very friendly, approachable, professional and passionate about her work. She went out her way to support me both during massages and between them too.  I am glad I went to Kirsty for my lymphatic drainage massages, I won't forget the positive impact she had on my post op experience and I will forever be recommending her to everyone else for her services.


Cancer steals everything, so to find Kirsty’s kindness, knowledge, expertise and comfort when everything else is so hard is truly priceless. The massage has been the one thing that I've found which has helped my recovery and made my leg feel so much better. All the people that help at the Klub are so kind. I am so grateful that Kirsty is able to make this accessible to patients who are not well enough to work and afford it otherwise. Thank you so much for making such a difference when life is tough.
I can't say enough good things about Kirsty!  At the start of each appointment she'll ask about lifestyle and any ongoing health issues, as well as what you're looking to achieve from the treatment. Invariably I'm looking to fix the achy bits and relax but I really value the opportunity to stop and take stock of what my body is telling me. It allows Kirsty to tailor the appointment to your specific needs too. As a working Mum with three small children I look forward to the dedicated appointment time each month as part of my membership and payment is easy and automatic. Kirsty's knowledge and experience are vast and I always leave the appointment feeling much better.
I would highly recommend Kirsty If you are thinking about having a massage. Her place is lovely and warm as is her treatment bed. I felt relaxed and at ease immediately. Once she started to massage her hands were warm and strong. I booked my massage because I had problems with fluid retention and a sore shoulder both of which Kirsty gave me relief from. Kirsty is very  experienced and professional.


All my life I had been “worried” about a massage. No particular reason, just something niggling within me. I had suffered for years with tension in my shoulders,I also developed pains in my side and under the rib cage that would radiate to my back. So in total my stress had escalated out of control. I was convinced I was ill. Enough was enough and I made the decision to contact Kirsty. Kirsty completely put me at ease from our first meeting.  She was patient, she explained everything she was doing , she found all my “angry” bits , she found bits I didn’t even know were not happy. I have now had several sessions with Kirsty and I cannot believe what a changed person I am. I cannot recommend Kirsty enough, if you are hesitant please don’t be you will not be disappointed. So much so I have joined Kirsty’s Klan so that I can maintain my well being and not let my stress levels affect my body again.
As a person who likes to stay active it’s very difficult when you get injured and I feel very grateful in finding Kirsty to treat me. She is very professional, friendly and approachable at same time. She explains what she is doing and why and always ensures that you are doing ok. It's obvious that she knows what she is talking about and keeps it realistic, not promising miracles and includes your own working with her and the treatment in order to get best results. Contact and follow-up texts to see how I'm doing are at the correct level/amount. Will definitely keep using her services


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